Bellies is here to support you!

Bellies is here to support you! We offer a variety of classes and workshops to help educate and inform you every step of the way. These classes vary from private to virtual to group settings. Our classes are taught by highly credentialed educators committed to provide a safe environment, where you will gain valuable assets such as a great knowledge of important parenting topics, a tribe with lifelong parent friends, a high level of confidence, a deep sense of encouragement, and a nurturing community with other like-minded parents navigating their way on this beautiful journey. Please check below to see what classes fit your needs. Bellies can customize classes per your requests. We are always adding new classes for our community, so please, check back regularly! Create a Bellies Bundle with the classes you want and save!

Childbirth Prep Class

This intimate and highly informative class is designed to promote birth as normal, natural and healthy. There is no “right” way to give birth, and each situation and baby is unique. Our goal is for you and your birth partner to be empowered, inspired, and prepared for your birthing experience. Using partner support, you will learn ways to achieve a “natural birth” using a variety of methods. Our childbirth class is offered in virtual or live settings, both in groups or private sessions. Our exclusive, private in-home course can be tailored specific to your needs. Check our availability online or contact us for any special requests.

We also offer an exclusive, private in-home course for your comfort, and tailored specific to your needs. Contact us for more information, scheduling and pricing inquiries.

Mamas & Babies Series

Welcome to motherhood and congratulations on the birth of your new baby!

Bellies’ Mamas & Babies Group nurses the needs of you and your new baby in a nurturing, supportive community. Our 8-week series of classes is facilitated by a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, who is a mama herself. Each class includes a weekly topic, handouts related to parenthood and baby’s development, songs, and lots of time for discussion. Studies show postpartum support is an important contributor to the emotional and physical well-being of mothers and babies. Come join your tribe!


Breastfeeding With Success

This class covers a variety of topics such as what support to expect from your healthcare provider (hospital, birth center, or homebirth), managing milk supply the first few weeks after birth, “Baby-Friendly” hospital settings, and the importance and benefits of breastfeeding. Also discussed are lactation in special situations, such as premature infancy, multiples, cesarean births, or illness. You will gain confidence in the basics like positioning, latch, when to feed baby and how often, how much is enough, milk supply, sore nipples, engorgement, pumps, nutrition, partner roles, and family support. Also covered: guidelines of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), healthcare provider advocacy, benefits of nursing, how breastmilk is made, how breastmilk changes to accommodate baby’s needs, and how to ease into a successful lactation journey.

Save A Little Life™ Infant CPR

Will you or your caregiver be prepared to perform CPR in an emergency? Protect your family with the Save A Little Life Pediatric CPR & Family Safety Course that teaches real life skills in the event of an emergency. Highly recommended for expecting parents or parents with children up to 3 yrs. Class facilitates hands-on techniques, skills to clear airway, and guidance to react in emergencies. Adult attendance only. CPR Booklet included. $75 individual; $140 Couple

Newborn Care Class

Learn what to expect from birth through the early weeks of caring for your newborn from birth appearance and characteristics to understanding newborn reflexes. We will discuss newborn screening tests, caring for your baby, calming baby techniques and bonding, the importance of skin-to-skin, reducing SIDS, Infant Safety and Tummy Time.

Bonding and Bottle-feeding

In this private session, our instructor will coach you on bottle-feeding techniques to build confidence with nurturing baby. We educate you on ways to recognize baby cues, methods to pace feed, and types of bottles designed to maximize the parent-to-baby bottle-feeding experience. We advise on bottle designs, optimal brands, baby’s stomach capacity, scheduling, timing, burping, cleaning, and how much to feed baby. Our educator will compassionately teach you soothing practices to comfort you during feeding, that will help you build an everlasting bond with baby.

Going Back to Work Class

Going back to work and committed to giving breastmilk to your baby? Come learn how to master pumping at work and gain valuable information on how to successfully continue breastfeeding well after maternity leave. This is a private class catered to your specific goals for managing working, pumping, and breastfeeding.

Some topics covered in this class are:

  • How to prepare for your first day back at work
  • Managing your time to pump at work
  • Storage, supplementing and daily routines
  • Helpful instructions for your nanny, daycare or grandparent
  • Tips on how to be successful at working and nursing
  • Products that can help make your pumping life easier

Sleep Consultations


Does any of this sound familiar?

  • Your child needs to nurse, bottle feed or use a pacifier to sleep
  • You are waking up with your child multiple times a night
  • Your child needs to be rocked, bounced, or taken for a car ride to nap
  • Your child REFUSES to nap or only sleeps for 30 minutes
  • Your own lack of sleep is starting to take a toll on your family

Give yourself and your baby the gift of sleep. The experts at Pam Nease Sleep understand your infant is constantly growing and changing. Newborns have different needs than toddlers, and they coach you to teach your child to embrace internal strategies for successful sleep that will last a lifetime.  Each sleep package gives you a step-by-step plan for going to bed at night, taking naps, teething, and dealing with sleep regressions. Check out their no risk webinar, or sign up for a free initial consultation. Be sure to call us and ask for our Bellies client code to get $50 off your Pam Nease Sleep package!